Tuesday, January 24, 2006

User: dogzballz | LibraryThing

User: dogzballz | LibraryThing

I apparently share 87 books with this LibraryThing user; given his funny-crude username, I guess that's a good thing... Most of our shared books are fiction, which is to be expected, I suppose, though I've always thought it would be fun to find someone out there that shared the same bizarre range of interests as I - electronics, sociology, history, physics, science fiction, computers, programming, energy, politics, renewables - the list just goes on and on. Should such a person eventually create a LibraryThing account, catalog their library, and find that I am their bibliographic doppleganger, would they be interesting to me and vice versa? Or would it be akin to meeting a person of the opposite sex but from enough of the same mold to just annoy the hell out of you?