beautiful agony - facettes de la petite mort view
beautiful agony - facettes de la petite mort view
So, I just StumbledUpon a site devoted to pics and vids of average Joe's and Janette's faces during climax. While I could rant about the decent of humanity into an Internet-fueled voyeuristic orgy of neighbor's-navel-gazing, I won't. Instead, I'll sit here impressed with the rather surprisingly nice ways that technology has allowed us to appreciate those things that are beautiful and human - e.g. normal men and women in the throws of passion. Would that we could find more ways to demonstrate to our collective selves the good things about us, without risking pasteurizing our consciousness of the bad things.
So, I just StumbledUpon a site devoted to pics and vids of average Joe's and Janette's faces during climax. While I could rant about the decent of humanity into an Internet-fueled voyeuristic orgy of neighbor's-navel-gazing, I won't. Instead, I'll sit here impressed with the rather surprisingly nice ways that technology has allowed us to appreciate those things that are beautiful and human - e.g. normal men and women in the throws of passion. Would that we could find more ways to demonstrate to our collective selves the good things about us, without risking pasteurizing our consciousness of the bad things.
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