Monday, January 09, 2006

What the....?

In the far-fetched event that anyone on the Enter-Sparks has stumbled across this nascent blog, here's what it's about: jack.

Who am I, you might ask? And while you're at it, what the hell is "Esoterotica"??

I am Justin Martin, who in another life thought it was funny to create the user name jmart, just because it rhymed with K-Mart and I was dumb. I'm a computer professional that gasp has never had a blog before this, and was only prodded into action because LibraryThing has a wicked widget that displays random entries from your library. Cool. So, not having any sort of electronic womb within which to nest my nifty library list, I humped it over here to Blogger and got with the proverbial program.

Now - Esoterotica:

I am the consumate polymath, at least in the dank recesses of my own cerebrum, and thus myriad subjects interest me. Indeed, something really only needs to be a subject to be interesting. A free-thinking mofo at heart, I am driven to seek out the new and the unusual, a task made all the more satisfying and, need I say, distracting by the N-ter-Web and its infinities. Therefore, my blog, such as it is, shall consist of all kinds of crap that I find interesting, making it not terribly different than the other 200 million personal pages out there. Esoterotica is my clever characterization of the attractive, addictive nature of knowledge for those of us inclined to be terminally curious. Who knows - this gig may change tomorrow. Stay tuned.